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in No More Than
3 Clicks.

Automate your Sales, Leads and Customer Support in seconds. Kodexia is a Conversational AI platform, optimized to ease the process for you by handling 70% of your customer queries.

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Animated GIF of Kodexia, showcasing its capabilities as an AI chatbot for improved customer interaction.

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Your Sales & Lead Gen?

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Trusted By:

Essential Attributes

Key Features That Set
Our AI Chatbot Apart

Our Partners excel at customer support automation

Dynamic Real-Time Conversations
LLM Integration for Deep Learning
Proactive Engagement
Adaptive Learning Algorithm
High-Quality Prompt Engineering
Extensive Knowledge Base
Explore more Kodexia Features

Want to see our 24/7 virtual assistant?

It’s not a complicated process. Try us and we’ll show how you can completely change your processes by our personalized customer responses AI.

A man and a robot with speech bubbles illustrate the features of our 24/7 virtual assistant service.

Customer Feedback

They tried our AI customer service software, you can try too!

Testimonial image illustrating a chatbot's effective, time-sensitive conversations and its commitment to continuous customer assistance.Testimonial image featuring a customer's positive review of Frederick Cora, reflecting their satisfaction and experience.Customer feedback image featuring a chatbot designed to engage students with dynamic, real-time conversations.
AI journey Simplified

Get Your Customer Support Automation In 4 Simple Steps

API keys page displayed on the website, showcasing various keys for user access and integration purposes.


Kodexia integrates easily with your existing systems, including CRM, E-Commerce, and internal tools, with minimal disruption for quick and effective embedding.

Build AI Chatbot

System settings page in dark mode featuring the Kodexia AI chatbot, highlighting various configuration options.


Our Real-time language processing AI offers high customization, tailoring language style, tone, and strategies to reflect your brand's unique voice and meet specific business needs, ensuring a consistent brand identity.

Build AI Chatbot

Visual representation of the Kodexia chatbot builder, highlighting the tools and options available in Kodexia AI for chatbot development.


Our AI chatbot enables natural, engaging interactions with dynamic, real-time conversations, powered by advanced NLP and machine learning for effortless customer inquiry resolution.

Build AI Chatbot

A visual representation of session counts for the Kodexia AI chatbot, showcasing data trends in user engagement.


Unlock valuable customer insights with our Semantic analysis in AI chatbots’ analytical tools, tracking inquiries, satisfaction, and outcomes for data-driven decision making

Build AI Chatbot


Our Conversational AI integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, including CRM, e-commerce, and internal tools, with minimal disruption for quick and effective embedding.


Our Conversational AI offers high customization, tailoring language style, tone, and strategies to reflect your brand's unique voice and meet specific business needs, ensuring a consistent brand identity.


Our Conversational AI enables natural, engaging interactions with dynamic, real-time conversations, powered by advanced NLP and machine learning for effortless customer inquiry resolution.


Unlock valuable customer insights with our Conversational AI's analytical tools, tracking inquiries, satisfaction, and outcomes for data-driven decision making

Customer Feedback

A Combination of Humane
Touch with AI-powered Language Models

Our product uses human-like sentiments and communication with a vast knowledge-base of our language models.

Visual representation of the Kodexia AI chatbot app on a mobile device, demonstrating its sleek layout and engaging user experience.
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Exceptional Outcomes

Phenomenal Results,
More than Your Expectations

Delivering Phenomenal Results, consistently!

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Market Growth

AI Chatbot Market Set For rapid growth

1. In 2023, the chatbot market is projected to grow over $994 million.
2. This is a huge growth, indicating an annual gain of around $200 million.
3. The chatbot sector is estimated to be roughly valued at $179.9 million as of 2024. It is further  expected to generate $454.8 million in sales by 2027.

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Converse Easily and Efficiently
With Kodexia

Unlock streamlined productivity, lead generation, and business expansion with Kodexia's seamless connectivity to a wide range of applications

A network of interconnected social media icons representing kodexia AI chatbot integrations for enhanced connectivity.
Get Started

Get Started Today

Transform your customer interactions and business operations with Kodexia. Contact us today to learn more and get started!

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Your Curiosity,
Our Insights

What is conversational AI Platform?

Our product refers to technologies that enable computers to simulate human-like conversations, typically through text or speech, using natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and artificial intelligence

How AI-powered chatbot works?

Our product works by processing and understanding input from users (text or voice), interpreting the meaning using NLP, generating appropriate responses through algorithms and machine learning models, and then delivering those responses in a human-like manner.

What is an example of conversational AI platform?

An example of such AI is a virtual assistant like Apple's Siri or Amazon's Alexa, which can understand and respond to voice commands, provide information, and perform tasks.

How much does Kodexia cost?

The cost of such a product varies widely depending on the complexity, scale, and features required, ranging from a few thousand dollars for basic chatbots to several million dollars for advanced, fully integrated systems.

What are the benefits of Kodexia?

The benefits of our product includes improved customer service, 24/7 availability, cost savings, scalability, personalized user interactions, and the ability to handle multiple queries simultaneously.

Why should a business use natural language processing for chatbots?

A business should use our product to enhance customer engagement, streamline operations, reduce operational costs, and provide consistent, efficient service at any time, improving overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How to integrate AI chatbot?

To integrate our product, a business should first define its use cases, choose the right platform or technology, develop the AI models, train the system on relevant data, integrate it with existing systems (like CRM), and continuously monitor and optimize its performance.

Kodexia - NextGen AI Chatbot
It’s like upgrading from a basic phone to a smartphone; more features, better connectivity, and greater convenience.

Get your chatbot today!

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Our Features

Real-Time Conversations
LLM Integration
Proactive Engagement
Adaptive Learning
Prompt Engineering
Extensive Knowledge Base
Copyright © 2024 Kodexia
<div id="chatbot-container"></div><script id="chatbot-script" type="module" src=""  data-key="add your key here"></script><script>    const chatbotScript = document.getElementById('chatbot-script');    chatbotScript.addEventListener('load', () => {      window.renderChatbot('chatbot-container');    });</script>